Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Trail Racing

As some of you may know, I have taken some time off from my job and am now training for Ski Mountaineering Competitions. Part of my training has involved doing some trail racing. I have ran three races this summer.

The first race I ran, at the end of June, was the 25Km Comfortably Numb Trail race in Whistler. This was my first ever trail race and the first time I had done a running race longer than 10Km. It was an amazing trail to run on, all single track in the forest above Whistler. I would definitely recommend this as a great trail run or race. Results

The next race I did was in July and was the 5 Peaks Cypress trail race. It was 14Km long and very fun. It was very cold and rainy on the day of the race, which made it super slippery and muddy. Even with the wet and cold conditions, there was a good turn out. Results

I was planning on racing the 21km distance at the Squamish 50 but decided to pull out because I was still recovering from an injury(Thank you to Marnie Tocheniuk at Angela Simpson Physiotherapy for getting me healthy again). Instead I volunteered at the race by sweeping part of the 50 mile course. My wife took my spot in the race and finished in 3h, without having run all summer.

The latest race was the 25Km Rubble Creek Classic, held last weekend. This is a low key race held on some of the best trails in the Sea to Sky corridor. I have been told by some of Canada's best ultra runners that this is one of their favourite races. This race should be a lot more popular than it is! Results

Having these races to work towards has been a great way to keep me focused. My next focal point, which will hopefully keep me focused through the fall rains, will be the thought of all the snow accumulating in the mountains. I'm hoping to start training on skis in early November!

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